

Harry went to a deserted resort, Silent Hill, to spend a long-awaited vacation.
When he regained consciousness after an accident just outside town, he realized that his beloved only daughter, Cheryl, had vanished.
Up ahead is the town of Silent Hill, smothered by a deep fog with no sign of people.
Deeply worried about Cherylf s safety, Harry ventures into the eerie town, and will soon be attacked by bizarre creatures and face various mysteries.

Paper pieces scattered on the damaged road... What is written on the blood covered pages? A large eerie rotating fan.

Did Cheryl disappeared somewhere in this eerie town?
What do those mysteries, which seem to lead him in, mean?
Can all of these clues tell him where Cheryl is and unlock what happened in Silent Hill?

Silent Hill FAQ

Attention! The linked site contains some answers to these mysteries.


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